Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Unit 5 Expressions


TenMarks has been updated with a new assignment for those of you that need/want the extra practice with the topics we cover in class. 

A special shoutout to those students who worked on their percent skills using Tenmarks last unit:
622: Mathew B., Yume and Jessica
623: Brenden
624: Ben, Margaret, Jeffrey, Sam
All of you did an AWESOME job and mastered EVERYTHING!

New LearnZillion videos have also been posted!!!

I will also be posting different resources you can check out on here along with some of my SmartBoard slides.

If you would like me to add anything to the blog please ask!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Percent, Percent and more percent!

The Unit 5 Percent Post Test will be Friday, January 23rd!
Classes 622 and 623 there will be a review during lunch on Thursday January 22nd.
Class 624 we can arrange a time to meet for review.

Here is the REVIEW SHEET

Below are the answers to the Unit 4 Pre-Test!

I still have extra copies of the Percent Extra Practice packet if anyone else would like one!!!

Below are some additional resources for Percent problem solving.

MathVillage Percent Problem Solving
Virtual Nerd Percent Problem Solving Video
Word Problems with Solutions
Tax Tip Word Problem Practice
Tip Calculator

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Unit 4 Percent Problem Solving

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break and were able to relax a little bit!

When we get back we will begin our Unit on Percent (Unit 4).

I have already begun to gather some resources for you.  If you want  a head start you can start reviewing the concepts we will be covering in class.

I have also assigned new videos on Learn Zillion to help you during the percent unit.  You should be watching these videos!

There is a new TenMarks assignment posted that is all percent questions.  You do not have to complete the assignment but it is there for you to get some extra practice throughout the unit.

Percent is my favorite so hopefully you will enjoy this unit as much as I will!